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Nicola S.Morgan

International Educational Consultant

NSM Training & Consultancy Ltd

Nicola S. Morgan is an international educational consultant, TEDx speaker, teacher and author with over twenty-eight years experience working in a variety of education settings including special, primary and secondary. During this time, she has developed a reputation for successfully managing the most challenging behaviour as well as motivating and inspiring staff to help implement long term and lasting change. Having failed hard and then successfully completed the English Channel swim solo she prides herself on specialising in two key areas, Resilience and Behaviour. Whether your biggest challenge is resilience, improving the behaviour of children and young people, having tricky conversations, or lets face it life in general. Nicola can deliver for you a successful, interactive and personalised event full of high energy and relevance. People leave her events buzzing and they are fired up and ready to go, with actions which can be implemented immediately.


12 November, 2024 | 11:30 to 12:30
Rise with Resilience: The Blueprint of 4 Key Strengths

In this keynote, Nicola shares research-backed tools and techniques that will help you improve your resilience and perform at a higher level, without increasing stress:

● How to proactively take control of your thoughts to stay calm, centred, and aligned with core values to make necessary decisions;

● A 4-step process to identify and let go of limiting beliefs that crop up when facing new challenges;

● Understand how to identify an empowering meaning in a crisis;

● Tools to pull forward in difficult times;

● Four simple, daily practices to cultivate certainty and resilience to persist in pursuit of your goals and objectives;

● Believe you have the inner strength to thrive in life and work, regardless of the circumstances. Audiences will leave the session feeling empowered and motivated to improve their resilience and mindset, and with a toolkit, they can implement it straight away.

12 November, 2024 | 13:15 to 14:00
Finding Balance: Wellbeing Policies, Burnout Signals, and Personal Strategies for Educators

Join us in this panel as we delve into the crucial aspects of wellbeing policies, identifying burnout signals, and crafting effective personal strategies. Discover actionable insights to foster resilience and maintain equilibrium, empowering educators to thrive in their personal and professional lives.