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Kamil Majeed

CEO and Executive Principal

Nordic International School Lahore

Kamil has a wide range of academic, research, and practical experiences in the fields of school leadership, education research and policy, mindful awareness, and corporate training. He is currently the CEO and Executive Principal of the Nordic International School in Lahore, which is the first Swedish school in Pakistan, offering classes from playgroup to O levels. He is also the co-founder and lead coach at The Life Clan, a training company that provides personalized programs on leadership, effective communication, team building, and mental well-being. Kamil was selected as the best educator of the year at the GESS Awards Dubai 2022. He is a Commonwealth Scholar from the UCL Institute of Education (IOE), London, and is certified in leadership and policymaking from the Moller Centre at Churchill College, University of Cambridge, UK. He is one of the 50 future leaders from 11 countries who were selected for the British Council Future Leaders Connect Program in 2017. He has also served as the Official Coordinator of the United Nations Global Compact for the Lahore, Pakistan Network and helped in the localization of the SDGs in Pakistan.


12 November, 2024 | 13:15 to 14:00
Finding Balance: Wellbeing Policies, Burnout Signals, and Personal Strategies for Educators

Join us in this panel as we delve into the crucial aspects of wellbeing policies, identifying burnout signals, and crafting effective personal strategies. Discover actionable insights to foster resilience and maintain equilibrium, empowering educators to thrive in their personal and professional lives.

13 November, 2024 | 13:50 to 14:10
Leading Response-able-y

The presentation will explain what it means to lead response-able-y by drifting away from a fire-fighting approach to a fire-prevention approach. It will elaborate on the importance of adapting and anticipating situations and present real-school examples of how leading with fear can create reactive structures. It will further present actionable ways on how to create trusting school communities and lead with purpose, to unlock a leader’s true contribution. In essence, this talk is a leader’s playbook for success.