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David Lefevre

Professor of Practice, Digital Innovation

Imperial College London

Dr.  David Lefevre Director is Professor of Practice in Digital Innovation at the Imperial College Business School.  Prior to this, David headed an award winning innovation team called the Edtech Lab. This team launched Imperials first online courses and currently delivers 220+ online modules including online degree programmers.  David stepped down from this role in 2022 and  is currently exploring on applications of AI to education  with a focus on human in the loop automated education systems. In 2005, David was the founder of the digital publishing company Epigeum which currently supplies interactive courseware to 200+ universities globally and in 2018, co-founded the learning platform company, Insendi together with his Imperial colleague Marc Wells. David is a Special Advisor at Study Group,  a trustee for the British Council and is currently supporting the launch of Tutello, and AI Tutoring venture.


14 November, 2024 | 10:30 to 10:50
Will AI replace the educator? The development of a Human+AI tutoring system

This session will present the development and initial results of a Human+ AI tutoring system designed to provide students in higher education with on-demand, personalised tutoring throughout their studies. Educational research has demonstrated that the provision of tutoring enables students achieving a mean level of performance to progress to performing within the top 5% of students. Despite, the potential of tutoring to advance education in such a dramatic fashion, it has rarely been possible historically to provide tutoring at scale due to economic restrictions. Recent advancements in AI make such provision viable however it is the combination of AI and human tutors working collaboratively that will likely be most impactful. This session will present on a project exploring this human+ AI collaboration and present initial thoughts on how teaching tasks can be best assigned for optimum outcomes.

14 November, 2024 | 11:00 to 11:45
EdTech panel: Human AI

A panel discussion about the impact of Human AI in Education