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Raffaella Cappello


Seeds for Kids

Raffaella is a food educator expert and the founder of Seeds for Kids, a London-based organisation that promotes food taste education. She creates bespoke projects for independent schools, teaches parents and trains teachers. She is a Health Education Partner of the Change4Life campaign by NHS for state schools. Raffaella is a speaker and conference moderator for local and international institutions to promote healthy eating habits for a more sustainable planet. She sits on the board of directors of a charitable association that provides scholarships for young talents. Italian, she lived in Milan, New Zealand, the United States, and now in London. While she was a corporate manager and later a business consultant, in 2018 she decided to take action to make a difference in future generations’ well-being. She founded Seeds for Kids to create and deliver taste education projects for schools to empower young learners to make healthier food choices and to appreciate the planet's broad biodiversity. In 2023, she opened a Taste Education Pop-Up School in central London. Her method is based on sensory experiences of food where children are stimulated to describe their multisensory experiences and refrain from making judgments without first trying the food. Her motto is “Everyone can learn to eat everything”. Taste education in schools aims to raise a healthy generation for greater food sustainability to safeguard the planet's health, in line with the COP28 directives, enabling healthy diets for all by 2030.


12 November, 2024 | 10:55 to 11:15
يمكن للجميع أن يتعلموا أكل كل شيء

 لماذا يجب على المدارس أن تتبنى طريقة تعليم التذوق لتشجيع الأطفال على تجربة أطعمة جديدة وتناول طعام صحي من أجل كوكب مستدام. يعتمد تعليم التذوق على التجارب الحسية للطعام حيث يتم تحفيز الأطفال لوصف تجاربهم المتعددة الحواس والامتناع عن إصدار الأحكام دون تجربة الطعام أولاً.

14 November, 2024 | 11:55 to 12:55
كيفية تضمين ممارسات الصحة واللياقة البدنية والمستدامة في المدارس