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Ben Whitaker


Edufuturists & The Ideas Guy

Ben is a freelance consultant working with a number of clients on both digital and cultural transformation. Prior to this, Ben worked for 15 years in education latterly as an Assistant Principal, focusing on Digital Transformation and his subject specialisms of Religious Studies & Sociology. He is co-host of the popular Edufuturists podcast where he explores the future of education by interviewing thinkers from around the world, most notably around the implications of A.I. in Education. Ben has travelled around the world talking about effective tech integration that has an impact on learning and culture, notably in Rwanda, South Africa and Romania. He is a Google Certified Innovator, Trainer & Coach. Ben is chair of governors at a primary school but most importantly he is husband to Amanda, and dad to Niamh (13) and Martha (9). He is active on social media as @itsbenwhitaker and is the author of the upcoming book, The Ideas Guy (