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Hayley Limpkin

Strategic Business Coach

Razzamataz Theatre Schools

For more than 19 years, Hayley Limpkin has been passionate about harnessing leadership potential, working with start-ups, SMEs, education providers, and high-profile corporate clients such as Paramount Film Studios and Virgin Atlantic. As a consultant, coach, mentor and angel investor, she specialises in strategy, creating culture and supporting innovation for people and products.  Hayley is a member of the Association of Business Mentors, mentoring small businesses as part of the UK Governments Help to Grow Scheme. Her business background includes 12 years as an award-winning multi-unit franchise partner for Razzamataz Theatre Schools. During this time, she won various accolades including a double win at the British Franchise Association HSBC Franchise Awards 2018, winning Franchisee of the Year and Peoples Choice Award. Hayley is passionate about mentoring young people to grow their potential through the life skills and resilience that are gained through the performing arts. She has co-founded a unique programme in England within a sixth-form setting, allowing students to achieve their full potential, both academically and vocationally in the arts. Hayley is a purpose-driven leader and helps young aspiring leaders understand how to bridge the gap between the skills that are learnt in schools and what is needed in the modern workplace. 


12 November, 2024 | 14:40 to 15:25
The importance of performing arts education in schools today
13 November, 2024 | 10:30 to 10:50
The Art of Resilience: How performing arts foster emotional and social growth in young people

Witness firsthand the transformative power of the arts beyond creativity. We unveil the extraordinary impact of performing arts on young minds, equipping them with tools to navigate adversity and ultimately thrive.