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Gary Carney

Chief Operating Officer

The Sustainability Academy

Gary is a multifaceted sustainability expert blending legal acumen with a deep commitment to social responsibility. Gary has a Master's in International Human Rights Law and a Bachelor's in Law, his academic journey laid the foundation for a career dedicated to driving positive change. Gary's passion for sustainability led him to pursue certifications in Biomimicry Life Principles, Digital Security and Human Rights and Responsible Innovation in AI, reflecting his holistic approach to addressing modern challenges. His journey extends beyond academia, with five impactful years as the Chair of an award-winning homeless charity, where he worked tirelessly to improve the lives of vulnerable populations. This experience instilled in him a profound understanding of the intersectionality between sustainability, social justice, and human rights. As the Director and Co-founder of The Sustainability Academy Liverpool, Gary leveraged his expertise to empower organisations in comprehending and contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through strategic partnerships with major corporate clients, he has brought sustainability education to the forefront of organisational agendas. The Sustainability Academy also offers programmes to embed sustainability in schools and put sustainable decision making at the heart of the next generation of leaders.


13 November, 2024 | 13:50 to 14:10
Embedding Sustainability Across The Curriculum

In this presentation, I'll discuss a ground-breaking sustainability programme being integrated into school curriculums. We'll explore the importance of instilling sustainability principles early, its alignment with educational goals, and the program's tangible benefits for students and communities. Through real-world examples, we'll showcase how this initiative fosters environmental stewardship, critical thinking, and active citizenship, empowering the next generation to drive positive change. Embedding sustainability into the curriculum will put sustainable decision making at the heart of the next generation of leaders. In this presentation we will share some of the success stories and the impact on students, teachers and schools.