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Kevin Fullbrook


Al-Bayan Bilingual School

Kevin Fullbrook is the Director of Al-Bayan Bilingual School, Kuwait. Having started his career as a Math and Physical Education teacher in a remote Australian school, he then taught at a range of schools across the country before serving in leadership positions in Australia, China, and the Middle East. Having participated in the Think Tank on Global Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education in 2016, Kevin then went on to be named one of 'The Educator' magazines Rising Stars of Education under 40 years old. Kevin is passionate about creativity and innovation in education and speaks at conferences and workshops around the world on design-thinking, innovation, and community engagement, and is an accreditation evaluation team leader with the Council of International Schools. Kevin has a Bachelor of Applied Science, Bachelor of Education, an MBA, and is a Fellow of both the Royal Society of Arts and the Chartered College of Teachers.


12 November, 2024 | 12:35 to 12:55
رحلة الاستدامة في الكويت

ستشارك دراسة الحالة هذه رحلة الاستدامة لمدرسة البيان ثنائية اللغة في الكويت، حيث قامت بإشراك الطلاب وتعبئتهم لتقديم مساهمات كبيرة للمجتمع، داخل المدرسة وخارجها، في تعزيز التواصل بشكل أكبر مع الطبيعة والبيئة من خلال إنشاء حرم المزرعة، ومزارع الأبراج العمودية في الحرم الجامعي، وخلايا النحل، ومشاريع إعادة التدوير المختلفة، وأكثر من ذلك بكثير.