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Hagop Dertavitian

Voices of Future Generations Manager

Emirates Literature Foundation

Hagop has been working in education and well-being for over 16 years. Hagop is a highly qualified professional with a diverse background in education and extensive experience in teaching and leadership roles. He holds a degree in Biochemistry and a Diploma of Education, which have provided him with a strong foundation in both scientific knowledge and pedagogical expertise. In recognition of his exceptional skills, Hagop has held several key positions in the education sector. He served as a Science Advisor, providing valuable insights and guidance to educators in implementing effective teaching strategies. As a S.T.E.A.M Education Leader, he spearheaded initiatives to integrate interdisciplinary approaches into the curriculum, fostering innovation and critical thinking. As a high school director, Hagop ensured academic excellence and a nurturing learning environment, resulting in tangible improvements in student achievements and well-being. Since 2019, he has served as the project manager for Voices of Future Generations & Education Initiatives at the Emirates Literature Foundation in Dubai. In this role, Hagop is dedicated to empowering children, amplifying their voices, and fostering creativity. He emphasizes sustainability and promotes children's rights and well-being with unwavering commitment. Hagop's leadership and passion for education have made a profound impact, inspiring both educators and students alike.


13 November, 2024 | 13:00 to 13:20
مسارات النمو: تعزيز رفاهية الأطفال

تم تصميم ورشة العمل هذه لتزويد المشاركين بفهم شامل للاستراتيجيات والممارسات التي تهدف إلى رعاية الرفاهية العامة للأطفال. من خلال هذه الورشة، سوف يتعمق الحضور في مختلف جوانب الصحة الجسدية والعاطفية والعقلية للأطفال، ويكتسبون نظرة ثاقبة حول الأساليب الفعالة لتعزيز بيئة داعمة تساعد على نموهم وتطورهم. وستغطي ورشة العمل مجموعة من المواضيع، بما في ذلك أهمية الرفاهية الشاملة، وتعزيز الصحة العقلية الإيجابية، وتعزيز المرونة، وتشجيع أنماط الحياة الصحية، ورعاية الذكاء العاطفي. سوف يستكشف المشاركون أيضًا التقنيات العملية لبناء علاقات قوية مع الأطفال، وتعزيز التواصل المفتوح، وإنشاء مساحات آمنة حيث يمكنهم تحقيق النجاح.