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Dr Sarah Martinez

Head of Music

Brighton College

My name is Sarah, born in the UK but grew up in Spain. I have been a Music teacher for more than 15 years and have worked all around the globe. I am currently the Head of Music at Brighton College Al Ain. I believe Performing Arts is crucial in education and provides our students with valuable experiences and knowledge to become well rounded individuals. Students of all ages and abilities should be enthused by teachers and stimulated by interesting and varied teaching methods and styles during their school life. I believe commitment, differentiation, and adaptable teaching styles lead to students reaching their full potential in all subject areas. I am delighted to be part of the GESS family once again and promoting the Importance of Performing Arts education in schools today.


12 November, 2024 | 14:40 to 15:25
أهمية تعليم الفنون الأدائية في المدارس اليوم
13 November, 2024 | 15:30 to 15:50
الموسيقى فوق وما بعدها

الموسيقى والفنون وأثرها في التعليم والمضي قدماً. كيف يمكن تدريس الموسيقى بطريقة مختلفة وكيفية بناء منهج مثير يدعم طلابنا في الحصول على تعليم شامل.