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Ben Hardy Jones

Head of Sustainability

The Desert Vipers

The Desert Vipers stand as a unique entity in the world of T20 cricket, being the only team to boast a full-time Sustainability Lead. Owned by Avram Glazer (Manchester United) and competing fiercely in the DP World ILT20. The Vipers are at the forefront of integrating sustainable practices within sports stadiums and tournaments. Their commitment to environmental stewardship is reflected through strategic partnerships and various educational initiatives, setting a new benchmark for sustainability in sports. Ben Hardy-Jones is a visionary young professional from the UK, spearheading The Desert Vipers' sustainability efforts. With a Masters Degree in Environmental Change and Management from the University of Oxford earned with Distinction Bens academic excellence is evident. His dissertation on decarbonising small and medium enterprises (SMEs) not only won him college and departmental accolades but is also in the process of being published in an academic journal. At Oxford, Bens focus on SME decarbonisation uncovered critical barriers and drivers within the sector, equipping him with a unique perspective on how sports can drive societal change towards Net Zero. His role with the Desert Vipers harnesses this insight, aiming to influence and instigate transformational environmental changes within the industry.


14 November, 2024 | 13:00 to 13:20
دعم الاستدامة في المدارس من خلال الرياضة والتربية البدنية

في هذه المحادثة الجذابة والغنية بالمعلومات، سوف يستكشف بن هاردي جونز، رئيس الاستدامة في Desert Vipers، الدور الحاسم الذي تلعبه الرياضة والتربية البدنية (PE) في تعزيز مستقبل مستدام. يستهدف هذا العرض التقديمي المعلمين والطلاب ومديري المدارس، وسيسلط الضوء على الترابط بين الاستدامة والرياضة، ويعرض الاستراتيجيات العملية والمبادرات الملهمة التي يمكن للمدارس اعتمادها لتعزيز المسؤولية البيئية من خلال برامجها الرياضية.